INTRINSIC Connected Educator Platform
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General background

The INTRINSIC Connected Educator Platform aims to connect Higher Education Teachers from Life Science Universities within the ICA-Edu network to exchange best practices on sustainable entrepreneurship education. 

The goal is the collection and discussion of best practice examples on teaching practices to foster sustainable entrepreneurship skills in Life Science students.

It is based on Humhub, a flexible Open Source Social Network Kit. In the next version of Humhub, the platform will be available as Progressive Web App (PWA), enabling App-like funcionalities on Android and Apple Smartphones, which avoids maintenance needs of the Apps in Apple and Google stores.

Details on the INTRINSIC Connected Educator Platform

This platform has two major aims, namely
- to act as COURSE MAPPING TOOL to collect good practices of course units, structure and constructively align teaching options with learning outcomes and assessment methodologies, providing structured access to course/teaching options and opportunities to further contribute to the database by new course activities. 

- to act as PROFESSIONAL TEACHING PORTFOLIO TOOL to collect information on the INTRINSIC case studies, for the communication between teachers, sharing educational experiences and resources and for presenting the INTRINSIC case studies to interested teachers with feedback and social interaction possibilities. The portfolio can be also used for the HE teachers to develop their own teaching portfolio in SE in LS and to build networks.

The idea behind the platform is the creation of a community of Practice for sustainable entrepreneurship education, and the empowerment of Higher Education teachers at Life Science Universities to implemente courses and course units/activities to support the development of sustainable entrepreneurship skills in their students.

If you would like to participate in the network, go to the INTRINSIC Connected Educator Platform, and register there
After your registration you are assigned to a specific user group by the Administrator. 
  • LIFE SCIENCE HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHERS are all HE teachers from Life Science Universities in Europe, with access to all SPACE TOPICS.
  • GUESTS are users not from a LIFE SCIENCE university in Europe, with access to a general COLLABORATIVE WORK SPACE and the SUSTAINABLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION WORK SPACE with all SPACE TOPICS for exchange, discussion and collaboration.
  • Depending on the need, further GROUPS with access to specific WORK SPACES can be defined.